We hope our FAQs will help to answer some questions you might have. If you can't find the right answer, please feel free to contact us
We offer the following payment methods:
If you get a warning connecting to our mail-server please make sure you're using the correct hostname. The right hostname is the servername (e.g. mail1.hostthenet.de).
The servername is the same for POP3, IMAP and SMTP and usually the same name you use to access the web interface.
If you would like to change the PHP-Version for a specific directory, please create a .htaccess-file with the following content:
FCGIWrapper /home/fcgid/##WEB-USER##/##PHP-VERSION##/php-fcgi .php
Please replace ##WEB-USER## with your user (e.g. web123) and ##PHP-VERSION## with php5.6 or php7.0